Meta-detr: Few-shot object detection via unified image-level meta-learning


Few-shot object detection aims at detecting novel objects with only a few annotated examples. Prior works have proved meta-learning a promising solution, and most of them essentially address detection by meta-learning over regions for their classification and location fine-tuning. However, these methods substantially rely on initially welllocated region proposals, which are usually hard to obtain under the few-shot settings. This paper presents a novel meta-detector framework, namely Meta-DETR, which eliminates region-wise prediction and instead meta-learns object localization and classification at image level in a unified and complementary manner. Specifically, it first encodes both support and query images into category-specific features and then feeds them into a category-agnostic decoder to directly generate predictions for specific categories. To facilitate meta-learning with deep networks, we design a simple but effective Semantic Alignment Mechanism (SAM), which aligns high-level and low-level feature semantics to improve the generalization of meta-learned representations. Experiments over multiple few-shot object detection benchmarks show that Meta-DETR outperforms state-of-the-art methods by large margins.

In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2022